*Шпионская суперсекретная школа Totally Spies*


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О Сэм

Имя: Саманта
Фамилия: Симпсон
Возраст: 16 лет
Учёба: средняя школа Беверли-Хилз, Сэм очень умная и способная
Любимый предмет: история
Нелюбимый предмет: химия
Одноклассники: Кловер, Алекс, Дэвид, Мэнди и др.
Цвет волос: рыжие
Цвет глаз: зелёные
Шпионский костюм: зелёный
Мама: Гэбриэл (Гэби)
Любит: Дэвида, ходить по магазинам
Не любит: Мэнди
Хорошо получается: решать задачи, быстро бегать, гимнастика, борьба
Клички: Сэм, Сэмми
Живёт в большом особняке в Беверли-Хилз, под которым как раз находится организация по защите человечества - WOOPH. В основном девочки проводят время именно в доме Сэм. Она очень способная и учиться на отлично. Сэм самая сообразительная из трёх шпионок, находит выход из любой ситуации.



Samantha, usually referred to as Sam, has long, wavy red hair, and sports a green spy suit. She is the most intelligent of the group and is often considered the de-facto leader. She uses her intelligence to create plans and diversions so that the girls can easily capture the villains. Sam also acts as the big sister to the group and keeps the girls in line, but sometimes she will have her moments where she is not as focused as she should be.

Sam, like Clover and Alex, enjoys dating, shopping, and visiting salons, but she is not as interested as the others are. She always puts her studying or missions first. She is considered a little "nerdy" to a certain extent.

Sam is also the most sarcastic of the group. She sometimes gets annoyed by Alex and Clover's comments and actions and will reply with a sarcastic remark or joke. One example was in "Futureshock!". The cheerleaders were doing a routine and Mandy fell off the human pyramid and everyone gasped. While Alex noted that the fall obviously was not a part of the routine, Sam suggested that it be worked in.

As a play on her intelligence, Sam is frequently brainwashed by villains as a running gag of the series.

In the episode "Do You Believe In Magic?", Sam introduces herself as "Samantha Simpson" when she enters the Magician's castle. However, it is unconfirmed if this is her actual last name.

Sam is voiced by Jennifer Hale.