*Шпионская суперсекретная школа Totally Spies*


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О Кловер

Имя: Кловер
Фамилия: Мэйсон
Возраст: 16 лет
Цвет волос: блондинка
Цвет глаз: голубые
Шпионский костюм: красный
Имя мамы: Стелла
Имя кузена: Норми (он очень достает Кловер
Хорошо получается: Влюблять в себя парней, стильно одеваться.
Любит: симпатичных парней (особенно Дэвида и Дина), ходить по магазинам.
Не любит: Мэнди, Норми.
Место жительства: Живет в Беверли-Хилз в большом особняке с мамой. Норми тоже был замечен в доме Кловер как гость.
Школа: Средняя школа Беверли-Хилз
Любимый урок: неизвестно
Не любимый урок: Астрономия
Одноклассники: Сэм, Алекс, Мэнди, Дэвид и т.д.
Аллергия: на нарциссы

Живёт так же в Беверли-Хилз. Имеет так же красивый дом как и у Сэм. Кловер очень увлечена парнями и влюбляется по несколько раз в день. Так же очень любит бегать за звёздами. Кловер очень ревнива и часто ссорится. А особенно с Мэнди, потому что она отбивает у неё парней. В отличии от Сэм и Алекс ненавидит Мэнди больше, чем они.



Clover has medium length blond hair and a red spy suit. She is considered to be the show's most stereotypical character: a shopping addicted, boy crazy, teenage "fashionista". She is always more concerned about her looks, boys, and the latest trends then she is about her work as a spy. As a result, she is often (if not regularly) side-tracked on the missions. In fact, her priority focus on her social life has even begun to directly affect the entire team's performance. [1] She often compares fashion to her work and is usually more concerned with trying to improve her social life and become more popular in different ways. She is normally (if not always) the first one to go against Mandy. Even though Clover is more focused on materialistic and superficial substances than her missions, she does understand the importance of friendship and teamwork. She will rise to the occasion and give villains what they deserve.

Clover is the most flirtatious of the main group. She is known to have had an abundance of boyfriends and will do anything to get a guy. This is strange, because during the time she attended primary school, she was always bullied by her classmates and mainly by one boy, because they were jealous of Clover's parents' wealth. The initial sub plot of part three of the episode "Evil Promotion Much" had her struggling to find a date for her coming out party as she had dated every single boy in the city. Her love of boys can almost (if not entirely) be matched by her love of fashion and beauty.

Clover is the most intimately knowledgeable of her friends about pop culture topics, especially topics having to do with attractive male celebrities (for reasons stated above). She has been known to use questionable methods to obtain such information, but nothing truly illegal.

Being a stereotypical "American teenage girl", Clover speaks with a strong "valley girl" accent by saying things like "so totally", and adding the word "much" to the end of a statement (this is partially made into a running gag for Season Three titles). Clover is identified as a vegetarian in Space Much?.

As a play on her obsession with her appearance, Clover is often drastically physically changed by villains as a running gag of the series.

It is often said Clover's last name is Ewing. However, the show's creator says this is not true and is only a rumor.

Clover is voiced by Andrea Taylor.



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